
So Ms. Sarah Andry gave me my first two questions to answer. Thank you Sarah. Her questions were “is there a mall anywhere around there? What do yall do for fun even though there is “nothing to do for fun”?”. so yeah there is a mall here but it is boring like there is nothing. The coolest things are Pac Sun which is little bitty and Express which just sucks and thats it. And different people do different things for fun. Alot of it just consist of driving around and just hanging out because there’s not much else to do. Seeing movies is pretty big here. And no one knows what a Rave is which is depressing but yeah. Me, I hang out with people for fun or we’ll have band practice which is fun enough so yeah. Keep bringing in the questions.

Love Ya,



  1. Wow, thanks for all the answers. I like Express, but i could understand that that is not quite your cup of tea! You need to take out a big loan and plant a Rave theater there so people will understand that amazingness……….

  2. what up dog? miss you. been tryin to text your mom to get a hold of you. here’s my question, have you been to chicago yet? if so how was it?

  3. Hey man! I’m just curious… how big is my boy tobyMac up there? B/c you’ve gotta represent!! lol We’ll be sending you stuff cracker soon.. so be ready!

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